
make it有“达到预期目的,获得成功”的意思。 3. What do you have to lose? 反正你又不吃亏。 关系比较亲密的人之间才用这句话哦。担心失败?别担心,你看你还有什么可失去的? 4. I've g...

09 So do we have an agreement? ►do we have an agreement: 通常在商定一件事后说的话。对方同意了,就表示讨论的事情就这么定下了。 也可以说: ▷Do we have a deal? 那就这么定了? ...

Do youcarrycamera? carry在这里是“出售”的意思 -\- If a shop carries goods or products, it has them for sale. There are 4 models on thecatwalknow. catwalk不是“猫步”,而是“...

What about practical questions, such as those about your vocation? Will reading help you decide more intelligently what to do, how to prepare yourself and how to succeed on the job? To answer the first question, you have to know your own talents, a...

6.What can we learn about Hillsdale’s students in the late 1990s? A)They were made to study hard like prisoners. B)They called each other by unaffectionate nicknames. C)Most of them did not have any sense of discipline, D)Their school performance ...

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